Our Classes
Each of our classes are taught and taken care of by our Appalachian Performing Arts Staff. We work hard to teach and challenge each and every student, as well as have fun and instill a love and appreciation for dance in each heart.
We have listed a brief summary of each class, requirements, and dress code below. For more details, please contact us.
Scroll Down to see class descriptions!


Description: This is a beginner level class introducing our youngest students to dance in a fun atmosphere. Through technique building games, recreational dance, and beginner instruction geared toward children, this is a great place for your young dancer to begin. Students will learn through basic instruction, hands on activities, and games!
This is the only weekly class we require a parent into the studio room to attend class alongside their child!
This class is once a week, 30 minutes.
Requirements: A parent is required to attend this class alongside the student, in the studio room.
All students in this class must be 2 years old (24 months) by November 1st.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Miss Madison Casteel

Age: BEGINNING AT 3-4 years
Description: This is a beginner level class introducing our youngest students to dance in a fun atmosphere. Through technique building games, recreational dance, and beginner instruction geared toward children, this is a great place for your young dancer to begin.
This class is once a week, 30 minutes.
This is our most popular age groups ad has been divided into three separate classes to make room for more students! Class A, Class B, and Class C.
Requirements: A parent is required to stay present in the lobby during this class.
All students in this class must be 3 years old (24 months) by November 1st
- All students in this class must be potty trained-- no diapers or pullups.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Miss Madison Casteel
Miss Amy Riddle
Miss McKenzie Casteel

Description: Your dancer's first tap class! This class introduces our kindergarten age students to beginner tap skills. With this age group, we begin to teach this history of dance along with steps and technique. Students will learn tap footwork while creating fun routines and practicing new skills.
This class is a part of our Kinderdance Combo program! Pick two or more Kinderdance level classes. Each Kinderdance level class is oce a week, 30 minutes.
Students in this class must be 5-6 years old by November 1st, 2022.
A parent must stay present in the lobby during this class if the child requires assistance with changing shoes or going to the restroom..
INSTRUCTOR: Miss Amy Honeycutt

AGES: BEGINNING AT 5 - 6 years
Descriptions: Your dancer's first jazz class! This class introduces kindergarten age students to beginner jazz technique and skills. With this age group, we begin to teach the history of dance along with discipline and technique. This class will involve lots of stretching and strengthening, as well as fun dances with child-friendly music and instruction.
This class is a part of our Kinderdance Combo program! Pick two or more kinderdance level classes. Each Kinderdance level class is once a week, 30 minutes.
Students in this class must be 5-6 years old by Nov 1st, 2022.
A parent must stay present in the lobby at the studio during this class if the child requires assistance with shoes/wardrobe and/or going to the restroom.
Dress code:
All students must have dancewear or athletic clothing.
All girls - a leotard, tights, and black jazz shoes.
All boys - black jazz shoes.
INSTRUCTOR: Miss Amy Riddle


Description: Your dancer's first ballet class! This class welcomes students into the world of ballet through dance instruction, discipline, technique building, and short history lessons.
Students will be challenged to stretch, strengthen, and grow, as we work hard in this child-friendly atmosphere.
This class is a part of our kinderdance combo program! Pick two or more Kinderdance level classes. Each Kinderdance level class is once a week, 30 minutes.
Students must be 5-6 years old by November 1st, 2022.
A parent must stay present in the studio lobby during this class if the child requires assistance with shoes/wardrobe and/or trips to the restroom.
INSTUCTOR: Miss Madison Casteel

AGES: beginning at 5 years old
Description: Clogging class for our youngest group of cloggers! In this class, students will learn the basics of clogging, along with the importance of it's heritage and history.
Students in this class will be invited to join our "older cloggers" for a traditional dance at the end of the season. Students in this class are invited to be ambassadors for the Mountain Dance Preservation Project.
This class cn be counted as a part of our kinderdance combo program for all 5 - 6 year olds. Pick two or more classes!
This class is once a week, 30 minutes.
Requirements: Students in this class must be at least 5 years old by November 1st, 2022.
A parent must stay present in the lobby during this class if the child requires assistance with shoes/wardrobe and/or trips to the restroom.
INSTRCUTOR: Miss Madison Casteel

AGES: Beginning at ages 7+, teens, adults
LEVELS: Clogging One
Clogging Two
Clogging Three
Description: These classes will explore the different styles of this Southern Appalachian Art, from traditional to contemporary. Students in this class will learn upbeat clogging footwork and routines, as well as the heritage and history of clogging.
These classes offer students the opportunity to be ambassadors for the Mountain Dance Preservation Project.
These classes are once a week, 45 minutes each.
Students must be at least 7 years of age by November 1st.
Students will move up into more advanced classes at instructor's discretion.
Students must be able to tie shoes and pull longer hair back into bun or ponytail.
Clogging Three is an invitation only class-- students must be approved to join by instructor.
INSTRUCTOR: Miss Madison Casteel


AGES: 7+, teens, adults
LEVELS: Ballet one
Ballet two
Description: This class builds on strengthening, technique, and discipline within the ballet culture. Students will stretch, strengthen, and learn ballet routines. This genre of dance is one of the oldest in the world of performing arts. This class touches on both classical and lyrical styles of ballet.
These class are once a week, 45 minutes each.
Students must be at least 7 years of age by November 1st.
Students will move up into more advanced classes at instructor's descretion.
Students must be able to tie shoes and pull longer hair back into bun or ponytail.
Instructor: Miss McKenzie Casteel

Description: Expanding on instruction given in Ballet Two, this class prepares students to dance "en pointe"(in pointe shoes). This will include physical strengthening, memorization, history, and technique conditioning. This exclusive class will allow in-depth training, and requires dedication and self discipline. This class includes students who are in training, demi pointe students, and pointe students.
This class is both physical work and book work.
Students must pass tests in order to be approved for pointe or demi pointe shoes.
This class takes place once a week, following ballet two.
Requirements: Students in this class must have perfect attendance to Ballet Two class(we allow make up lessons),
Students in this class must be dedicated and self disciplined.
This is an invitation only class-- students must be approved to join this class by the instructor.
Students must be at least 7 years of age by November 1st.
Students must be able to tie shoes and pull longer hair back into bun or ponytail.
Instructor: Miss McKenzie Casteel


AGES: 7+, teens, adults
Tap Two
Description: Learn the quick, precise rhythms of this timeless, footwork-based dance in a fun, skill-developing class. This class will take beginner skills and build up to advanced levels. Learn through short routines, exercises, and technique building games. This class will touch on both classic styles of tap, and tap dance with a modern twist.
These 45 minute classes take place once a week.
Students in these classes must be at least 7 years of age by November 1st, 2022.
Students will be moved from Level One class to Level Two at instructor's discretion.
Students Level One and above must be able to tie their shoes and put their hair in a bun or ponytail.
Dress Code: Dancewear/athletic clothing.
Black tap shoes.
Instructor: Miss McKenzie Casteel


AGES: 7+, teens, adults
LEVELS: Junior Theatre Dance
Theatre Dance
Like the style of dance you would find on Broadway, this class offers instruction on theatre-inspired jazz, dancing in character, moving with props, and presenting a clear storyline or theme within each dance.
This dramatic, fast-paced, high energy class is great for keeping students engaged and learning quickly.
These 45 minute classes will take place once a week.
Requirements: Students must be at least 7 years of age by November 1st, 2022.
Students will be placed in Junior class or Upper level by instructor's discretion.
Students level one(junior) and above must be able to tie their shoes and put their hair into a bun or ponytail.
Instructor: Miss Madison Casteel


AGES: 7+, teens, adults
LEVELS: Jazz One
Jazz Two
Description: Jazz is classical ballet combined with contemporary dance moves, to create a new genre of dance. Learn this unique this style through routines and strength building exercises in this class. Become stronger, improve flexibility, and polish technique.
These 45 minute classes take place one a week.
Students in these classes must be at least 7 years of age by November 1st, 2022.
Students will be moved from level one to level two at instructor's discretion.
All students level one and above must be able to tie their shoes and put their hair into a bun or ponytail.
Instructors: Miss McKenzie Casteel
Miss Madison Casteel


AGES: 7+, teens, adults
LEVEL: Modern/Contemporary One
Modern/Contemporary Two
Description: Expanding on a general knowledge of dance to explore unique body movement and expression of emotion. This style of dance has many parallels to ballet, jazz, and other genres of dance. Each student will be taught to take artistic liberty to explore new movements, tell stories, express emotions, and develop their own style of modern and improv.
These 45 minute classes take place once a week.
Students must be at least 7 years of age by November 1st, 2022.
All students level one and above must be able to tie their shoes and put their hair back into a bun or ponytail.
Instructors:Miss McKenzie Casteel
Miss Madison Casteel


This fun, vibrant genre of dance combines movement from it's three main genres-- popping, locking, and breaking. Hip Hop has evolved into one of the most influential and popular genres of dance.
This class takes place once a week!
Students in this class must be 7+ by November 1st.
Students level one and above must be able to tie their shoes and pull their hair back into a ponytail or bun.
Miss Bethany Belyea


AGES: Adults(teens may join with special permission)
Fun and upbeat cardio-based dance. Follow along, work at your own pace, and have fun.
Stretch, dance, and cool downs.
No experience required. Invite friends! Pay per session, or sign up for a month!
This class takes place once a week on Saturdays.
Requirements: Must be at least 18 years of age to register.
Dress code: Athletic clothing and tennis shoes.
Instructor: Miss Amy Honeycutt